Humans Are Developed from Gorillas
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Humans Are Developed from Gorillas
A well known scientist, Jane Goodall is famous for studying gorillas. She would first a select group of gorillas, follow them carefully so that she was not seen, and study their habits. After years of hard work, she even successfully figured out how to communicate with gorillas. To her, gorillas are here best friends, and indeed, there are many similarities between humans - homo sapiens and gorillas, but there are a lot of differences, too.
Humans and gorillas are similar in many ways. The likeness of the shapes of their skulls can obviously be seen, and both animals are covered with hair or fur. Both are mammals-animals that give mild and take care of their young -and are omnivores-animals that consume both meat and plants. But above all this, Jane Goodall has noted a more important similarity, the ability to make and use tools. She observed gorillas as they use twigs to get termites from their nests, much similar to the way we use spoons to get sugar fro jars. Their way of living is like humans', too. Gorillas live in bands, and have band leaders to keep the group under control. Equally, humans build cities and countries, each with a government or president.
Despite all this, a lot of people aren't convinced that gorillas may be humans' long lost relatives. The main reason to their doubt is gorillas' brutality. Although gorillas aren't very aggressive creatures, they can become ferocious, what's more, although the body shapes of humans and gorillas resemble one another, there are still several differences between them. For example, the opposable thumb of gorillas are further apart from the others, similar to the thumb of our hands. This helps them firm their grips to climb trees.
Although gorillas and humans are alike in some ways, the theory that humans are developed from gorillas is still not yet proved. Until then, humans and gorillas are two species without connection, and will stay that way.
